The Learning and Engaging at a Distance (LEAD) Initiative
The (LEAD) Initiative is a 3-year mixed methods research study of Trauma-Informed Online Teaching (TIOT) practices in asynchronous online undergraduate courses at an HBCU. Beginning in 2023, this project is funded by a US Dept of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences Early Career grant.
We are now recruiting for Fall 2024!
Click this link for the Faculty Participation Overview
Interested faculty should complete this form:
See the full consent form here
Today's college students have an increased likelihood of exposure to traumatic events, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Many trauma-affected students struggle to engage in traditional school activities, direct their effort and motivation, authentically participate in classroom discussions, and persist to graduation. To support trauma-effected college students, faculty are encouraged to adopt trauma-informed teaching practices. The LEAD Initiative explores how an evidence-based models of Trauma-Informed Online Teaching (TIOT) may benefit students taking online classes at HBCUs as measured by student outcomes and perceptions. This project will answer the following questions:
How do TIOT practices relate to student outcome variables among HBCU undergraduates?
How does that relationship differ for students with higher or lower levels of self-directed effort, if at all?
See full project description here:
Byrne, V., Folami, A., & Mondrey, M. (2024). Exploring how HBCU Faculty & Students implement Trauma-Informed Online Teaching Practices. Paper to be presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference, Virtual.
Byrne, V. L. & Hollingsworth, J. (IN PRESS). A model for trauma-informed online teaching in higher education. In R. A. González & Ş. Orakcı (Eds.) Innovation and Educational Technology Trends in Higher Education. Information Age Publishing (IAP).
Byrne, V. L. & Hollingsworth, J. (2023). Posing a model for trauma-informed online teaching in higher education. Presented at American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) 2023 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
IES Blog: Spotlight on FY 2023 Early Career Development Grant Awardees: Supporting HBCU Students with Trauma Informed Online Teaching
CBS Interview: Morgan State University Researchers are studying the impact of trauma on student success
Morgan State Press Release: U.S. Department of Education Awards Morgan State University $400K Research Grant to Study Trauma Impacts On Student Performance, Success
Our team is based at the School of Education & Urban Studies at Morgan State University
PI: Virginia Byrne, Associate Professor of Higher Education
Project Manager: Christine Licata-Hoang
Graduate Research Assistants: Michelle Mondrey & Ade Folami